About Us OCI Miscellaneous Service


NOTE- (1) Individuals can travel to India on the strength of their existing OCI card bearing old passport number till 31.12.2022. Requirement of carrying the Old and new passports along with the OCI card has been done away. Henceforth, OCI card holders travelling on the strength of their existing OCI card bearing old passport number are NOT required to carry their old passport. However, carrying the new passport is mandatory. 


(2) Please note that-

Government of India has revised instructions/ guidelines on 'Re-issuance of OCI cards due to issuance of new foreign passport to OCI card holders'- 

(i) Mandatory requirement of re-issuance of an OCI card each time a new passport is issued to a foreigner upto 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age has now been dispensed with.

(ii) OCI cardholder is now required to get the OCI card re-issued only once when a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age so as to capture his/ her facial features.

(iii) OCI cardholder is however required to upload ONLINE a copy of the new passport and a latest photo each time a new passport is issued upto 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age.The  uploading of these documents may be done within three months of receipt of the new passport. The service will be provided on Gratis (no cost/ free) basis. New OCI card will NOT be issued in this case

(iv) Foreign Spouse of an Indian Citizen or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI cardholder are required to upload a copy of the new passport and also a latest photo ONLINE each time a new passport is issued along  with a declaration on subsisting of marriage, copy of the Indian passport of the Indian spouse/passport & OCI card of the OCI cardholder spouse.

The services under the following categories are gratis (no cost) in nature (New OCI card will NOT be issued in this case):

  1. In case issuance of new Passport Details (each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age)
  2. In case change in address/occupation/contact details.

To avail above mentioned gratis Miscellaneous Service, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder. Following is the process for availing of Gratis OCI Miscellaneous Services:

(a) Apply on-line on https://ociservices.gov.in and opt for passport updation services under OCI Miscellaneous Services and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents.

(b) The applicant shall receive an auto email for successful upload of the photograph/documents.

(c) The Embassy will verify the documents uploaded and acknowledge/ grant changes in the personal particulars of the applicant. The applicant shall also receive an auto email once the entire process is completed.

Note: The entire process will take approximately 5-6 weeks as per the SOPs of the Govt. of India. There is no need to send the documents to the Embassy in this regard. Applicant’s details will be updated online. New OCI card will NOT be issued in this case


The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories (chargable service):

  1. In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.)
  2. In case of change of personal particulars viz. name, father's name, nationality etc.
  3. In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate.

Procedure for applying for chargable OCI Miscellaneous service-

1. Filling up of Online Application Form

  1. Application to be filled online, using the website : https://passport.gov.in/oci/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp

  2. The Application is in two parts; Part A and Part B

  • Fill part A online along with uploading of photograph and signature/thumb impression, please ensure all information is correct and complete and then click on submit to proceed part B.

  • Fill part B online and click on submit, after that please upload supporting documents

  • A reference No. will generate on the top right corner of application form, please note down the number. This helps you keep record, take reprint and check status online. Then save filled out part A and B.

  • A print window would appear. Click ok to print out the requisite application form consisting of part A & part B. Make sure that all lines, boxes and information on the printed application form are present and legible.

  1. Please enter your mobile number and email id in the column for contact details at Sr. No. 29 and 30. 

NB: Please note that OCI is made on the basis of entries made by an applicant in the online form. Therefore, ensure that all entries in the online, as well as printed application form are correct.


  • €92 + €3 in case loss/Damage OCI card

  • €23 + €3 in all other cases

Payment Method:

OCI Fee once deposited shall not be refunded.

For Applications submitted in person at the counter of Embassy:

Fee can now be accepted via any major Debit Card( Visa, Master Card, Maestro, JCB, Union Pay etc.) at POS Terminal at the Embassy counter.


For Applications submitted through post:

  • Fee can now be paid via bank transfer to the Embassy's Account as per the details mentioned below. Applicants are requested to check the website and confirm the exact fees to be paid before making the payment. In case of any doubt, applicants may first contact Consular Section to confirm the exact amount of fees before paying the fees through bank transfer. Fee including the consular fee and ICWF component is to be transferred in a single transaction. 
  • Applicant is requested to also submit the proof of fee payment along with the application. The application will be processed only after receipt of the fee in the Embassy’s bank account. While making Bank Transfer, the applicant will mention his/her name, email/mobile no and Passport No., Name of Consular Service requested and File No. of Application form, if available (if remarks column in their bank allow).

Embassy’s Account Details:

Account Name: Embassy of India

Account Number: 25036420

National Sort Code: 931292

IBAN: IE22 AIBK 9312 9225 0364 20

Currency : Euro

2. Submission of Application and Documents to Embassy


Submit the following documents either at Embassy or send by post to Embassy of India, 69 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin-4, Ireland:

  1. The above printed application form;

  2. Fee as described above.

  3. Three photographs with white background (2x2 inch)

  4. In case of lost OCI card, Garda report, in original, with OCI card number is to be submitted.

  5. Following supporting documents are required:

  • Current Passport copy (self attested)

  • Old OCI card (original and self attested copy)

  • Address proof copy (if seeking change of address)


NB: Before applying to the Embassy, please check all the above documents and appropriate fee have been attached with the application.

Document submission time:Monday to Friday between 9:30am and 12.00 noon. (Except holidays)*

Processing Time: 6-7 weeks from the date of submission in Embassy if application is complete in all aspects. If application is sent via post, it will take additional 8-10 working days. 

Applicant can also check the status of application online, using the website: https://passport.gov.in/oci/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp

3. Collection Procedure for OCI card:

OCI card may be collected from the Embassy, on receipt of Embassy’s intimation email. Please submit the current original passport and old OCI card and then collect after 5 working day.

To receive the OCI card by Post, applicants are required to send the original foreign passport and old OCI card to the Embassy along with a self-addressed registered envelope (Tamper proof envelope only).

Documents Collection Time: Monday to Friday between 4pm and 5pm. (Except holidays)*

For any further query please Email at: oci[dot]dublin[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in.


*For list of holidays please click: http://indianembassydublin.in/eoi.php?id=holidays