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ICCR scholarships for Academic Year 2025-26

Posted on: January 31, 2025 | Back | Print

Embassy of India

Announcement of ICCR’s Scholarship Scheme for Academic Year 2025-26


ICCR has offered the following Scholarship Schemes for the Academic Year 2025-26:- 

1) Atal Bihari Vajpayee General Scholarship Scheme (A1201) (formerly known as General Scholarship Scheme) - Under this scheme, ICCR has announced 01 scholarship slot for Irish nationals at Indian Universities/ Institutes for the academic year 2025-26. 

2) Lata Mangeshkar Dance & Music Scholarship Scheme (A1209) (formerly ICCR Scholarship Scheme for Indian Culture) - Under this scheme ICCR has announced 100 Scholarship slots globally for pursuing study of Indian Culture such as dance, music, theatre, performing art, sculpture, Indian languages, Indian cuisine, etc. at Indian Universities/ Institutes for the academic year 2025-26. 

Applications from interested international students will be invited online through ICCR’s A2A scholarship portal http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in, which will be operational from 20th February, 2025. Once the student has obtained admission on A2A portal and the Mission/Post has decided to award scholarship to that particular student, he/she has to register on Study In India (SII) portal for obtaining unique ID and further process including obtaining visa and registration with FRRO. (VISA and FRRO registration are to be processed on SII Portal). 

The Timeline for the Admission Process would be as under:- 


Opening of Portal for inviting applications from interested students.  


Last date of application to submit application on portal.  


Last date of Universities to inform the decision whether the student is admitted or rejected (if confirmed, intimation to Missions. If rejected, intimation to students). 


Last date for allocating scholarship and generating Offer Letters by Indian Mission abroad 


Last date of acceptance by students.


Based on the number of acceptances in the first round (if acceptances are less than the scholarship seats allocated) Indian Mission to offer Scholarship to other students who were not considered in the first round. 


Second-round students to convey their acceptances.  

Applicants have the option to apply t0 5 Universities/Institutes in the order of their preference of study. The admission, as far as possible, shall be given as per applicant’s preference. However, there may be a scenario when students do not get admission in their preferred Universities/Institutes due to limited number of seats on offer. Students should therefore be prepared to receive admission from any of ther five preferences. 

Since AY 2023-24, a 500-word essay in English has been introduced to ascertain English proficiency. Besides, students can also submit their TOFEL/IELTS etc. Standardized Test Scores, if available. 

The applicant’s age for availing scholarship is as under:- 

For Undergraduate/ Postgraduate courses- between 18-40 Years (18 years as on 01.07.2025), and 

For PhD Programmes-50 Years Maximum 

It is compulsory for all ICCR scholarship students to procure Medical Insurance policy with minimum sum assured for Indian Rupees Five Lakhs per annum. Students must have medical insurance coverage on their own either before travel or immediately after reaching India, whichever is convenient.  Students can purchase medical insurance from any of the insurance companies of their choice.  However to facilitate students, Portal has two insurance companies for referral purpose. 

Detailed guidelines on the process of applying for ICCR Scholarships are available on the A2A Portal. 

